Monday, June 20, 2011

An introduction

It seems as though just about everyone has a blog these days. I started one a few years back , mostly for keeping our family updated that live a couple states away . Like many other things I have started, it started out really good, and i kept it updated frequently . I couldnt wait until the next post and would think of all the little cute things the kids had done etc to be able to post in our family blog. But as many things , this was another start to a project that would soon fizzle out. Facebook soon replaced the blog . Why start another one ? Im not sure to tell you the truth, but lets see how long this keeps going !

So a quick run down on the person behind the blogging and the ones who influence her daily life. Im Cathy, a wood worker , mom of 6 , grandmother of 2 with a 3rd on the way sometime in Feb 2012 . I make mostly personalized wooden name puzzles right now as there seems to be a much higher demand for them then anything else i make. I hope to get a few new designs more geared for home decor etc soon.

I hope to keep this blog going and that it will grow to be a useful tool as well as a smile maker from time to time

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