Monday, August 8, 2011

Get your categories right !

So this morning I take my normal morning stroll through the categories on Etsy , look to see where I am at in the list and low and behold im pushed to the very bottom. This is NOT something that happens to me often as I have tons of renewals all the time and my sales have picked up enough that they keep me at the top . Why am I pitching a fit ? Because, last time I checked a rocking chair was not a flipping puzzle ! Its indeed a " chair " is it not ? does this not belong in furniture perhaps ???? Then you have the " soft ball " this is plush ! Get it right ! Im questioning whether I spy bags are indeed puzzles, I think Etsy needs to get better categories but still , when you blatantly list under something you know you have no right to be listing under just to give your shop exposure, this entirely ticks me off, and while I hate being a snitch , You can bet your bottom dollar that I will report these to Etsy . Not that it will do any help per say but at least I will feel better , and Im doing everything I can to ensure I have a thriving business or at least a good chance of obtaining this ! Vent over ! Get it right people , and if you see listings like this that are clearly breaking rules, do your part and report them. Maybe if enough of us pull together we can get Etsy back to what it was and should be !

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